Tokin' Ring Networks, LLC · Arkins and Denargo Streets · Behind the green dumpster · Denver, CO 80205
Serving the technological needs of the "new economy" since 2013!

About Us

The economy of Colorado changed following the passage of Amendment 64 in 2012. In addition to retail outlets specializing in "greens" and "medicine", many online services were founded to cater to this new economy.

Realizing that the vast majority of technical employees in this sector were baked beyond the Bejeezus Belt, the founding partners of Tokin' Ring Networks seized on the opportunity to offer systems, network and IT support to this growing sector.

Tokin' Ring Networks was launched in 2013 in the fabulous Homeless District of River North (HoDiRiNo) in downtown Denver, Colorado. Overhead is kept low, manning offices behind a dumpster with a discreet security detail, and there are no leases to consume valuable resources in this cash-only sector. We pass the savings on to you.